Forest Carbon at Innerhadden 2

Innerhadden 2 is a mixed native woodland project on the Innerhadden Estate in Perthshire, above Dunalastair Reservoir. As a non-intervention woodland, it will be left to grow naturally without active management, supporting biodiversity by allowing native species to thrive. The aim is to restore native woodland on sloping marginal land, enhancing the local ecosystem and landscape.

Improved water quality
Improved water quality

Trees will intercept runoff from other land uses that could be potentially harmful to the river system such as fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, animal waste and silt.

Reduced risk of flooding
Reduced risk of flooding

Trees intercept heavy rainfall, reducing peak flow and reducing the risk of flooding.

Habitat conservation and linkage
Habitat conservation and linkage

Innerhadden 2 has been designed to expand woodland habitat, with the full scheme devoted to native species which will not be thinned or clear felled and will improve habitat connectivity. 

Species Mix

  • Scots Pine
  • Alder
  • Birch
  • Rowan
  • Willow

Forest Carbon at Innerhadden 2

63,938 trees 33.6 hectares Spring 18,386 tonnes CO2

Take flight

This drone footage lets you take a flight over Innerhadden on a bright day.