Forest Carbon at Hawkshaw

Some or all of the carbon from this project is available for purchase. More information can be found here, get in touch if you are interested!

The vision at Hawkshaw is to restore rough grazing land into native woodland, with a sensitive design allowing for integration of trees with existing peatlands, including an area of blanket bog.

The resulting suite of habitats will become an important refuge for a range of wildlife, an area of amenity for local people, and help to provide future seed sources for native woodland expansion in a denuded part of southern Scotland.

Wildlife friendly tree species like juniper, hazel and bird cherry will provide food for a wide variety of insects, birds and mammals and careful planting of birch around areas of blanket bog will lead to the formation of bog woodland, which has become a rare habitat in the UK.

Forest Carbon at Hawkshaw

Some or all of the carbon from this project is available for purchase. More information can be found here, get in touch if you are interested!

The vision at Hawkshaw is to restore rough grazing land into native woodland, with a sensitive design allowing for integration of trees with existing peatlands, including an area of blanket bog.

The resulting suite of habitats will become an important refuge for a range of wildlife, an area of amenity for local people, and help to provide future seed sources for native woodland expansion in a denuded part of southern Scotland.

Wildlife friendly tree species like juniper, hazel and bird cherry will provide food for a wide variety of insects, birds and mammals and careful planting of birch around areas of blanket bog will lead to the formation of bog woodland, which has become a rare habitat in the UK.

Species Mix

  • Downy Birch
  • Alder
  • Oak
  • Scots Pine
  • Aspen
  • Rowan
  • Willow
  • Thorny Scrub

Forest Carbon at Hawkshaw

44,550 trees 31.54 hectares Spring 2021 11,491 tonnes CO2

Project Additional Benefits

Flood Mitigation Water Quality Wildlife