The Woodland Carbon Guarantee

The Woodland Carbon Guarantee is a £50 million government scheme designed to stimulate woodland creation in England. It was introduced in November 2019 and launched at the start of 2020.

What is the Woodland Carbon Guarantee (WCaG)?

Full details are available on the government website.

Is my project eligible for carbon finance?

To be eligible for carbon finance a new woodland must meet some basic criteria:

You can find more information on eligibility in our section on the WCC, by going to the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) website, or contacting us directly at

Is my project eligible for the Woodland Carbon Guarantee?

How is the Woodland Carbon Guarantee different to selling carbon credits via e.g. Forest Carbon?

Forest Carbon
Woodland Carbon Guarantee
Credits sold

Pending Issuance Units
 (not yet verified carbon credits)
Woodland Carbon Units
 (verified under the WCC)
Payment is made at the outset of the project
Payment is made following successful verification for the carbon credits generated
Contract length

30-100 years
35 years
Validation and verification

Forest Carbon undertakes validation and ongoing verifications in accordance with the WCC, at no cost to the landowner.

Sellers (e.g. the landowner) are responsible for ongoing costs, including registration, validation, monitoring, and verification.